The Diverse Literary Achievements of Whimpper Eduardo Narváez Salas: A Look into his Books on Business, Finance, and Personal Development - Integra International

The Diverse Literary Achievements of Whimpper Eduardo Narváez Salas: A Look into his Books on Business, Finance, and Personal Development

Whimpper Eduardo Narvaez Salas Certified Public Accountant Master in Business Administration International Ontological Coach

Whimpper Eduardo Narváez Salas is an outstanding Ecuadorian businessman with a 24-year career at one of the largest auditing firms in the world, considered one of the Big Four. He is the CEO and owner of WENS CONSULTING GROUP, an auditing and consulting firm whose name comes from his initials and has been in the Ecuadorian business market for 15 years.

Additionally, he is a recognized business consultant, international lecturer, and professor at major universities in Ecuador, including the Universidad de Especialidades Espíritu Santo (UEES), Universidad de Guayaquil, Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral (ESPOL), Universidad Católica de Guayaquil, among others.

Drawing from his extensive personal and professional background, along with a strong aspiration to aid and impact countless individuals globally, Whimpper has ventured into authoring books covering topics such as auditing, finance, accounting, and economics. Some of his notable publications include:

  • Hallazgos de Auditoria: 100 casos prácticos con observaciones y recomendaciones de alto impacto – Audit Findings: 100 case studies with high-impact observations and recommendations
  • El Estado de Flujos de Efectivo: 20 ejercicios resueltos – The Statement of Cash Flows: 20 solved exercises
  • KPI’s 1: Guía teórica y práctica para su aplicación en el área financiera – KPI’s 1: Theoretical and practical guide for its application in the financial area.
  • KPI’s 2: Guía practica en áreas departamentales – KPI’s 2: A practical guide in departmental areas
  • Due Diligence: Una guía para su aplicación con un ejercicio práctico – Due Diligence: A guide to its application with a practical exercise
  • Valoración de empresas – Company valuation
  • El EVA: 30 ejercicios resueltos – The EVA: 30 solved exercises
  • Costeo Directo: 30 casos prácticos resueltos para la toma de decisiones – Direct Costing: 30 solved case studies for decision making
  • Plan de Gobierno 4.0 – Governance Plan 4.0.

Furthermore, Whimpper is trained in international ontological coaching, which has allowed him to help millions of people around the world overcome traumatic experiences, limiting beliefs, and fears. His goal is for them to discover the greatness and infinite potential they possess within themselves and thus explore and harness all their capabilities and talents. In this field, he has written and published the following books:

  • Transformate: 45 días hacia tu mejor versión – Transform yourself: 45 days to your best self
  • El poder de conocerte: Conquista tu vida y sé feliz – The power of knowing yourself: Conquer your life and be happy
  • El poder de transformarte: Libérate y logra tu felicidad – The power to transform yourself: Free yourself and achieve your happiness
  • Es ahora o nunca: 50 claves para la felicidad – It’s Now or Never: 50 Keys to Happiness
  • Adiós creencias limitantes – Goodbye limiting beliefs
  • LIBRE: 30 pasos para recuperar tu vida después de una relación tóxica – FREE: 30 steps to get your life back after a toxic relationship
  • CONTACTO CERO: Cómo aplicarlo y destruir al Narcisista – ZERO CONTACT: How to apply it and destroy the Narcissist

All of his works are available on Amazon as well as on his LinkedIn account.