Salmon Sims Thomas Accountants & Consultants Completes Series “Metrics That Drive Sustainability” - Integra International

Salmon Sims Thomas Accountants & Consultants Completes Series “Metrics That Drive Sustainability”

DALLAS, Texas, April 7, 2017 – Salmon Sims Thomas Accountants & Consultants is pleased to announce the completion of the four-part series of e-books, “Metrics That Drive Sustainability.” The series is available for free as a download on the Church Executive Website.

Rebecca DaVee, a partner at Salmon Sims Thomas says, “We work with churches of all sizes and so many of them don’t understand how metrics (or KPIs – Key Performance Indicators) define operating, financing and investing activities.  Understanding how these metrics are defined and function allow leaders the ability to properly protect current resources and strategically plan for future growth and ministry expansion.”

Each e-book focuses on a specific aspect of critical importance to church administrators. The first is, “What gets measured and managed, examining the value of church metrics.” Churches always measure things like attendance, donations and participation in ministries. Knowing how to look at the numbers is an effective strategic tool for planning. The second e-book, “Measuring ministry activities,” takes a look how the numbers always tell a story, whether looking at a historical perspective or projecting forward. Understanding trends, ministry leaders can navigate risks and opportunities by knowing and evaluating key performance indicators (KPIs). The third e-book, “Understanding metrics that quantify leveraged assets” explains four debt-related KPIs that help with evaluating the true cost of assets. Finally, the fourth e-book, “Sustaining reserves metrics – what they are, what they tell you and ‘red flags,’” provides an example to examine the use of cash for operational vs. reserve purposes.

“How successfully churches move into the future is directly related to their understanding and use of the financial data that is always available,” says Ms. DaVee.

Church executives and lay leaders may download the series at