Integra International Announces New Firm in Cagliari (Sardinia), Italy - Integra International

Integra International Announces New Firm in Cagliari (Sardinia), Italy

Integra International is very pleased to announce that a new member in Cagliari, on the Island of Sardinia, Italy, has been admitted.

M&C Network is a young firm, constituted in 2017.
Very quickly this full service firm became an active Lead Firm in Sardinia with two offices, one in Cagliari, the capital of Sardinia, and the other in Oristano, the capital of the central-western part of the island, the province Oristano.

The firm has 5 Partners and 8 staff.
Managing Partner of the firm and main contact person for Integra International is Mr. Nicola Meloni, who can be contacted at [email protected]

More details about the firm can be seen  on the Integra Website

We welcome Mr. Nicola Meloni, his Partners and the staff of M&C Network.