Uncategorized Archives - Integra International


Integra International Announces New Firm in Mauritius

Integra International is very pleased to announce that a new member in Mauritius has been admitted.  GD RICHES Chartered Accountants is a 1 partner, 11 staff audit and accounting firm in Quatre Bornes, Republic of Mauritius.  The main contact person for Integra is the Partner, Mr. Gowtamsingh Dabee, who can be contacted at [email protected]

Mr. Dabee has 25 years of experience as a professional accountant in public practice and industry.  More details about the firm can be seen  on the Integra Website.  We welcome Mr. Dabee and the staff of GD RICHES to Integra International.

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Advisory Bulletin: US Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (2017)

New York, NY (Februrary 2, 2018) – Integra International today released an Advisory Bulletin prepared by Gerard Esposito, CPA, our member at Leaf|Saltzman in New York.  It is for Integra International members and their clients.

Summary of the United States TAX CUTS AND JOBS ACT (the “TAX ACT”), enacted into law on December 22, 2017, regarding the effects of foreign companies doing business in the US and US companies doing business abroad:

The Tax Act brought about permanent changes to the corporate tax code, most significantly by lowering the corporate tax rate from approximately 35% to 21% in 2018 and by eliminating the world wide US taxation system to a territorial based system with base erosion rules, effecting multi-national enterprises with global subsidiaries.… Read More