Daniel Figueroa Archives - Integra International

Daniel Figueroa

Integra Announces New Member in San Jose

Integra International is very pleased to announce that a new member in San Jose, Costa Rica has been admitted. DFV Tax and Business Advisors / DFV Asesores Empresariales y Fiscales has over 10 years of experience in full service accounting and is a leader in innovation with a commitment to service and quality. There is one partner and 10 staff. The team is widely known for their versatility to achieve the objectives and goals of their clients.

Mr. Daniel Figueroa is the founder and CFO of DFV Tax Advisory. He is looking forward to increasing the firm’s international representation and expanding firm services even further.

He is the main contact and can be reached at [email protected]

Here is the link to the firm on the Integra website.… Read More