Brian Hunter Archives - Integra International

Brian Hunter

2021 New Year Message From Brian Hunter, Chair

Happy New Year!

I am looking forward to a robust, exciting year for Integra International and our members.

Although the pandemic caught all of us by surprise and 2020 was a challenging year, we all learned valuable lessons and supported each other in various ways.

We pivoted to an increased internal social media presence by sharing ideas, issues and solutions. We worked closely with our members to ensure they would be connected to each other for support and guidance.

As we have all been learning and adapting to these new ways of doing business, it will only make us all more efficient. In 2021 we will continue to provide platforms in which we can share ideas and best practices.

Despite the challenges of 2020, we were able to grow our membership from 123 firms to 142 firms.… Read More

Global Leadership During Covid-19 with Integra Chair Brian Hunter

As the world continues to adjust to the impact of COVID-19, there is a lot to consider. The Business Development Academy recently interviewed FMD Managing Partner Brian Hunter on a global panel. Brian also serves as the global chair of Integra International, a worldwide association of 130 independent accounting and consulting firms.  You can find the full video below, as well as a timeline of when Brian speaks.

Brian’s three biggest takeaways are as follows:

1.     The importance of pivoting

These are unprecedented times, requiring businesses of all shapes and sizes to adapt in ways they likely wouldn’t have predicted. Whenever possible, look at this time as an opportunity to get creative and evolve as a business. It can feel frustrating to abandon or rewrite your business plan but approaching it from a creative perspective may provide the boost your business has been looking for.… Read More

Integra International Is Here For You

As the COVID-19 pandemic scenario unfolds, the level of economic uncertainty increases. 

Now is the time for us to work together to weather the storm ahead. 

Integra-International is here for you. 

As members we need to stick together to 

Help navigate through the disruption Respond to the changing dynamics and  Be ready to emerge from the crisis ready to seize opportunity.

Primarily we urge you to take precautions to protect the health and welfare of your employees, and your families. 

Secondly, we remind you that our collective success depends on the survival of our own clients. Our clients need us now more than ever. 

As firms we need to consider developing alternative procedures to manage current work-loads and retain quality service delivery.… Read More

Integra Announces new Global Chair

Integra International Elects Brian Hunter as Chair of the Global Board at Integra International 2019 AGM 

London, UK (December 2, 2019) – Integra International is pleased to announce an expanded role for Brian Hunter, CPA at its recent election during the Integra Global Conference in Washington, DC.  Integra International operates under the guidance of its 16-member Global Board and Mr. Hunter’s two-year term in the role of Chair begins on January 1st, 2020.  The Global Board sets worldwide policy and direction for its 4500 members who shape the future of business and serve clients around the world.  Brian Hunter was the AAANZ Regional President (Americas, Asia, and Australia) of Integra International from 2017 to 2019.

As Managing Partner of Fenner, Melstrom & Dooling, PLC, Brian Hunter is experienced in advising clients engaged in international business.  … Read More

Integra International Regional Chapter Appoints New Board President and Elects Three New Board Members

Vancouver, BC (June 1, 2017) – Integra International is pleased to announce the appointment of Brian Hunter as the Board President for the AAANZ Regional Chapter (North and South America, Asia, Australia and New Zeland) and the election of three new members to the AAANZ Board of Directors.  Brian Hunter, CPA is Partner at Fenner Melstrom & Dooling, PLC in Detroit, MI, and will serve a two year term as Board President.

The election took place in May at Integra’s Regional Conference in Philadelphia, PA, USA.  New board members include Les Adler, CPA, Partner at Kabat, Schertzer, De La Torre, Taraboulos & Co. in Miami, FL, Gerard Esposito, CPA, Partner at Leaf Saltzman in New York City and Mark Fiato, CPA, CVA, Principal at Caras and Shulman, PC in Boston, MA.… Read More