Accounting Association Archives - Integra International

Accounting Association

Integra Announces New Member in Luxembourg

Integra International is very pleased to announce that a new member in Luxembourg has been admitted. ATCONSULTING SARL is a 3 Partner and 8 staff firm specialized in Consultancy Services, Accounting, Tax, Auditing, Corporate Administration.

The two managing partners of the firm are Mr. Matteo Bocchio, who can be contacted at [email protected] , and Mr. Davide Murari, who can be contacted at [email protected] Mr. Matteo Bocchio is an independent International Tax Planning Adviser and Business Consultant with 19 years of professional experience. Mr. Davide Murari is Financial Consultant and Domiciliary Agent, specialized  in Corporate Consulting and Tax with 24 years of professional experience.

Third partner and shareholder of the firm is Mr. Pierre Goffinet who can be contacted at [email protected] Mr.… Read More

Integra Announces New Firm in Palermo, Italy

Integra International is very pleased to announce that a new member in Palermo, capital of the Italian island of Sicily, has been admitted.

Link Audit SRL is a firm with 2 partners, 5 associated partners, 3 executives, and 3 clerical staff.

The two partners, Mr. Roberto Agnello and Mr. Francesco Melidoni both have Big Four background and each of them has over 20 years of professional experience.

Main contact persons for Integra International are:

Mr. Roberto Agnello who can be contacted at [email protected] , and

Mr. Domenico Merlino, who can be contacted at [email protected]

More details about the firm can be seen  on the Integra Website

We welcome Mr. Agnello, Mr. Melidoni and Mr. Merlino and the partners and staff of Link Audit SRL.… Read More

Integra International Announces New Firm in Cagliari (Sardinia), Italy

Integra International is very pleased to announce that a new member in Cagliari, on the Island of Sardinia, Italy, has been admitted.

M&C Network is a young firm, constituted in 2017. Very quickly this full service firm became an active Lead Firm in Sardinia with two offices, one in Cagliari, the capital of Sardinia, and the other in Oristano, the capital of the central-western part of the island, the province Oristano. The firm has 5 Partners and 8 staff. Managing Partner of the firm and main contact person for Integra International is Mr. Nicola Meloni, who can be contacted at [email protected]

More details about the firm can be seen  on the Integra Website

We welcome Mr. Nicola Meloni, his Partners and the staff of M&C Network.… Read More

Integra International Announces New Firm in Davenport, Iowa, USA

Integra International is very pleased to announce that a new member in Davenport, Iowa, USA has been admitted.

Pyle Scott & Associates PLLC is a tax, accounting, and trust administration firm with one partner and six staff.

The main contact person is Jeanne Pyle Scott.  She is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the Iowa Society of Certified Public Accountants and the Institute of Certified Bankers.  Jeanne also has significant experience working with family offices. Jeanne can be contacted at [email protected].   The firm’s website is

A profile for the firm has been added to our Integra International website.… Read More

Advisory Bulletin: US Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (2017)

New York, NY (Februrary 2, 2018) – Integra International today released an Advisory Bulletin prepared by Gerard Esposito, CPA, our member at Leaf|Saltzman in New York.  It is for Integra International members and their clients.

Summary of the United States TAX CUTS AND JOBS ACT (the “TAX ACT”), enacted into law on December 22, 2017, regarding the effects of foreign companies doing business in the US and US companies doing business abroad:

The Tax Act brought about permanent changes to the corporate tax code, most significantly by lowering the corporate tax rate from approximately 35% to 21% in 2018 and by eliminating the world wide US taxation system to a territorial based system with base erosion rules, effecting multi-national enterprises with global subsidiaries.… Read More