Integra Announces New Firm in Dakar, Senegal - Integra International

Integra Announces New Firm in Dakar, Senegal

Integra International is very pleased to announce that a new member in Dakar, Senegal has been admitted.

KAP Expertise is a 2 Partner and 14 staff firm, founded in 2014. The two Partners are Mr. Radoine Kreaime and Mr. Rayan Darwiche.

Managing Partner of the firm and main contact person for Integra International is Mr. Radoine Kreaime, who can be contacted at [email protected]  .  Mr. Kreaime  worked for several years in France, including five years as a Senior Manager of the Integra member firm in Paris.

KAP Expertise is a well-established and professionally managed entity, and one of the important local firms. More details about the firm can be seen  on the Integra Website .  We welcome Mr. Radoine Kreaime and Mr. Rayan Darwiche.