Global Leadership During Covid-19 with Integra Chair Brian Hunter - Integra International

Global Leadership During Covid-19 with Integra Chair Brian Hunter

As the world continues to adjust to the impact of COVID-19, there is a lot to consider. The Business Development Academy recently interviewed FMD Managing Partner Brian Hunter on a global panel. Brian also serves as the global chair of Integra International, a worldwide association of 130 independent accounting and consulting firms.  You can find the full video below, as well as a timeline of when Brian speaks.

Brian’s three biggest takeaways are as follows:

1.     The importance of pivoting

These are unprecedented times, requiring businesses of all shapes and sizes to adapt in ways they likely wouldn’t have predicted. Whenever possible, look at this time as an opportunity to get creative and evolve as a business. It can feel frustrating to abandon or rewrite your business plan but approaching it from a creative perspective may provide the boost your business has been looking for.

2.     Creatively staying connected

At the end of the day, humans are social creatures, and we are all lacking the level of connection that we are used to. This is an opportunity to reach out to people (virtually) and build and maintain connections. We are all in this together, making it a great opportunity to provide feedback to one another.

3.     Balancing compassion and productivity

As Brian put it, “The companies that balance compassion and productivity will be the real winners here”. It’s important to remember that COVID-19 is causing a disruption in almost every business around the world. Instead of worrying about a decline in productivity, use this time to be compassionate, and remember that we are all just people trying to navigate this confusing time. There are things we can’t control right now, but there is also a lot that we can control. By focusing on that, we will get through this unique time together.

Watch the video below for more great insight from Brian and other global leaders. Below is a timeline of when Brian speaks:

2:08 – Brian’s introduction & background on Integra International

6:10 – Brian talks about the importance of pivoting

18:40 – Brian talks about keeping virtual events engaging & continuing building relationships

31:10 – Brian discusses the transformation from accountant to trusted advisor

42:09 – Brian shares the importance of balancing compassion and productivity

48:30 – Brian discusses his outlook on COVID-19 recovery