Maximiliano Jambrina, CPA


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Current Local Time: Thu, 26 Dec, 2024 09:35AM

Maximiliano Jambrina, CPA

  • Houston, TX


Maximiliano Jambrina is the Chief Executive Officer of Jambrina CPA. He worked for various CPA firms in the past, but from the very beginning he knew that he wanted to create his own company. Over the years he learned to simplify the language of business and help customers to achieve their goals. He got his bachelor’s degree in business administration and accounting from Buenos Aires Catholic University. He moved to Houston Texas to complete his professional education, and in 1998 he finished his Master of Business Administration at St. Thomas University-Houston.

Contact Information

Office Phone

Work Phone: +1 713-574-2377

Office Fax

Work Fax: +1 713-456-2007

Work Email

Office Address

433 North Loop West Houston Texas 77008 United States