Aries Mak

Hong Kong Standard Time - GMT+08:00

Current Local Time: Sun, 22 Dec, 2024 12:10AM

Aries Mak

  • China
  • Hong Kong
  • Hong Kong
  • Shanghai


Ms. Mak was educated in a company secretarial course and has over 10 yearsˇ experience in professional practice. She specializes in assisting overseas companies investing in Hong Kong and Mainland China. She has also been involved in licensing, registration, reorganization, merger and acquisitions, and disposals.

Contact Information

Office Phone

Work Phone: +852 2868 9888

Office Fax

Work Fax: +852 2526 2888

Work Email

Office Address

26/F Office Tower Suite2603 Convention Plaza 1 Harbour Road Hong Kong Wai Chai Hong Kong