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Nestor Centeno Figueroa

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Current Local Time: Fri, 14 Mar, 2025 04:52AM

Nestor Centeno Figueroa


Néstor has worked for prestigious accounting firms such as Price Waterhouse and KPMG Main Hurdman (later merged with Peat Marwick Mitchell) in the audit and consulting department. His responsibilities included the planning and performance of financial audits for large and medium size corporations in various ranges of industries.  Among his clients were:  Westinghouse, Sugar Corporation of Puerto Rico, National Packing, Pfizer, Union Carbide, Avon, Badillo Saatchi & Saatchi Phillips, etc.

Néstor is responsible for the successful installation of the first computerized financial system for the Health Department of Puerto Rico. This project, completed in a record time of six months, comprised the installation of a mainframe and one hundred and five terminal located in each hospital and diagnostic center through the island of Puerto Rico.

Néstor was also Controller of Frito Lay Puerto Rico, Inc., a subsidiary of Pepsico, Inc. In this capacity he was responsible to oversee the manufacturing, sales, distribution, marketing and investment and finances of the Puerto Rico operation. This unique opportunity provided the insight necessary to understand better the operational aspects of business focusing his efforts in providing consulting advises to business managers and owners.

Nestor is past president of the San Chapter of the Puerto Rico Society of Certified Public Accountants and is a member of the following organizations, among others: Puerto Rico Chamber of Commerce, American Management Association, Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, Healthcare Financial Management Association, and Institute of Management Consultants USA.

Contact Information

Office Phone

Work Phone: +1 787 706 3060

Office Fax

Work Email

Office Address

101 San Patricio Avenue, Suite 860 Guaynabo 968 Puerto Rico