Craig Lohman, CPA, CITP, CGMA


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Current Local Time: Thu, 26 Dec, 2024 05:17AM

Craig Lohman, CPA, CITP, CGMA



Craig joined Lohman Company in 2000 as a manager and now serves as partner–in- charge of the assurance department. In addition to his management and client responsibilities, Craig also acts as the firm’s Chief Financial Officer, Chief Operations Officer and Chief Technology Officer.  As a mentor within the firm, he is a member of both the Executive Partner Group as well as the Senior Management Group.

Contact Information

Office Phone

Work Phone: +1-480-355-1100

Office Fax

Work Email

Office Address

1630 South Stapley Dr, Ste 108 Phoenix, AZ Mesa Arizona 85204-6658 United States