The rest of
the world
appears to
be moving
faster than
the United
States with
regard to
In our first
article we
focus on the
march of
(IFRS), with
the latest
update from
the IFRS
While the US
is seemingly
bogged down
writing new
rules to
stave off
crisis, well
over 100
have now
moved to
IFRS, at
least to
some extent.
the American
debates the
merits of
partner in
report. Our
reports that
most of the
or at least
favors that
as proposed
by the
Auditing and
Finally, the
issued a
for broader
With over
taking part
in a pilot
only 10% are
from North
America. Our
the specific
features of
along with
the critique
of investor
that have
the process.
Editor Gerald E. Herter, CPA |
In This Issue
IFRS Deployment Expands
Globally While SEC Stalls
Number of countries
embracing IFRS keep
Since the report in the
October issue of the
Audit & Accounting
Alert, the IFRS
Foundation has added 41
more countries to the
survey of global
accounting practices,
bringing the total to
122 countries. Of those
countries, about 95%,
including most of the
world’s population, have
stated a commitment to a
single set of global
standards, and that set
of standards is IFRS.
83% require IFRS for
most public companies.
Most of the rest,
including Japan, either
permit the use or are in
the process of adopting
The United States is the
only major country that
has either not embraced
IFRS or does not at
least have a national
set of standards that is
close to IFRS. However,
Hans Hoogervorst,
Chairman of the IASB,
speaking at the AICPA
Conference on SEC and
PCAOB Developments in
December, was quick to
point out that “US
investors hold over six
trillion dollars of
foreign debt and equity
securities. A majority
of these securities
originate in IFRS
jurisdictions. America’s
largest trading partners
are on IFRS – The EU,
Canada, Mexico, Brazil,
Korea, while China is
closely converged. In
addition, more than 450
non-US companies that
report in the US are
using IFRS. Their
combined market cap
exceeds 5 trillion
dollars. US
multinationals also have
extensive operations and
subsidiaries in IFRS
jurisdictions. In
summary, there is a very
large IFRS footprint in
the United States and it
is growing by the day.”
Hoogervorst proceeded to
relate how the issues,
raised by the
noncommittal 2012 SEC
Staff Report on IFRS,
have been addressed:
- Cooperation with
national standard
setters – the Accounting
Standards Advisory Forum
(ASAF) has been formed
and has been actively at
- Cost of
transition to IFRS – a
survey was conducted
showing the costs to be
- Lack of
clarity as to extent of
adoption of IFRS – the
survey described above
filled in the details.
- Ensuring
globally consistent
application and
enforcement – an
agreement for joint
cooperation on
implementation and
enforcement was entered
into with the
organization of
securities regulators
- Investor
education – the IASB is
working with the CFA
institute and others to
enhance education.
Also, Japan was noted to
have made significant
progress with a
voluntary approach to
IFRS adoption, which
Hoogervorst felt the
United States may want
to consider.
Hoogervorst did not
mention the unresolved
difficulties with
reconciling the
remaining differences in
standards between IFRS
and US GAAP, or the
concerns over IASB
governance and funding.
For his part, speaking
at the same conference
as Hoogervorst, Paul
Beswick, SEC Chief
Accountant, placed the
blame for the SEC’s
inaction on IFRS, to the
rule-making efforts
required by the passage
of the Dodd-Frank and
the JOBS Acts (Journal
December 9, 2013). He
indicated that the
commissioners had only
so much capacity. Even
so, he emphasized that
the IFRS decision was an
important one for the
SEC, though he did not
say when the commission
would get to it.
When the latest IFRS
survey update was
announced on December 9,
Michael Prada, Chairman
of the IFRS Foundation
“The vision of
global accounting
standards has been
publicly supported by
almost all international
organisations, including
the G20, World Bank,
IMF, Basel Committee,
IOSCO and IFAC. Twelve
years after the reform
of the IASC and the
establishment of the
IFRS Foundation and the
IASB, we now have firm
evidence of that vision
now becoming a reality.”
Of interest to SMEs, the
survey relates that of
the 101 countries that
have adopted IFRS for
public companies, 90%
require or allow IFRS
for private companies,
while about half require
or allow IFRS for SMEs.
For further information, see
Latest update to study
confirms substantial
progress towards global
adoption of IFRS
Hans Hoogervorst speech
at AICPA conference
Beswick: Rule-making
preventing SEC from
deciding on IFRS.
Audit Reports to Identify Engagement
PCAOB issues proposal that follows
IIASB’s lead
The PCAOB has been considering the
requirement of disclosing the
engagement partner’s name on the
auditor’s report since 2005. A
reproposal released in December
raises the controversial issue once
again, modifying a previously
stalled 2011 effort. This latest
attempt follows other auditor report
changes proposed in August, as
covered in the October Audit &
Accounting Alert. These initiatives
are responses to the objective to
“improve the relevance and
usefulness of the audit report for
the investing public,” as stated in
the PCAOB’s newly issued five year
strategic plan.
The rest of the world appears to be
further along in considering audit
partner identification. The
International Auditing and Assurance
Standards Board included the
disclosure in a July Exposure Draft
(ED) that revamps audit report
standards. A reading of comment
letters to that ED reveals that most
major audit authorities around the
world already require audit partner
identification, or are in favor of
the requirement.
The Board members of the PCAOB
unanimously approved the reproposal
for consideration. Also included in
the reproposal was a requirement to
disclose the location of other
participants that provided over 5%
of the audit hours for an
engagement, including the names of
other audit firms involved.
Currently, only the name of the
primary audit firm is disclosed.
A number of expected benefits from
the reproposal were voiced: 1)
Transparency and accountability for
the audit would be enhanced. 2) A
sense of immediacy would be placed
on the engagement partner, as a
current reminder of responsibility
for the quality of the audit
(similar to the requirement of CEOs
and CFOs to sign certifications of
company financials). 3) Over time,
investors would be able to
accumulate data on auditors that
would be useful in evaluating and
comparing the level of quality
between auditors. 4) Cost of capital
would be reduced where auditors with
higher perceived quality ratings are
utilized. 5) There would be closer
alignment with other jurisdictions
Some Board members expressed reservations that could prevent them from
supporting the final standard: 1)
Evidence was lacking that audit
quality or auditor accountability
would be enhanced. 2) Potentially
greater legal liability could be
placed on the engagement partner. In
the original 2011 proposal, the
partner’s signature was called for.
By changing that requirement to only
identifying the partner without an
actual signature, the liability
exposure was considered to be
lessened. 3) Additional costs would
be incurred on the audit. But that
may infer that the audit work had
been inadequate to start with. 4)
Auditors would be deterred from
taking “high-risk” audits. However,
if a company is deemed “high risk,”
there may be other more pressing
issues that should be addressed, in
any event.
The Board has provided a 60 day
comment period that ends on February
3, 2014. Given the subjective nature
of some of the expected benefits and
concerns, this short time frame may
not allow for much more clarity to
come forth, than has been observed
in the two years since the original
proposal was presented.
Three other recent developments that
respond to the objectives of the
PCAOB’s strategic plan cover audit
engagement quality reviews,
consulting services, and worldwide
audit inspections. A PCAOB report
issued on December 6 indicates that
while firms generally have
engagement quality review
methodologies that are consistent
with the standards, the execution of
the reviews does not always
implement the standards called for
in the methodologies. Also, the
renewed focus on nonauditing
consulting services by registered
firms has given rise to concerns
about the impact on independence and
appropriate attention to the primary
audit function. The PCAOB will take
a closer look at this area in 2014.
Finally, indications are that China
has started to respond to the
PCAOB’s call for inspection of
Chinese audit workpapers. This past
month, audit documents from several
Chinese companies have been turned
over to US regulators.
For further information, see
PCAOB Proposes Engagement
Partner Disclosure
Integrated Reporting Framework Released
Momentum continues for broader
perspective in corporate reports
We first reported on sustainability
accounting in the September 2012
Audit & Accounting Alert, where the
history of the initiative up until
that point was summarized. Then this
past May, the worldwide publication
of the International Integrated
Reporting Council’s (IIRC) reporting
framework Consultation Draft was
covered, followed in October by the
American Sustainability Accounting
Standards Board’s (SASB) first
effort at specific industry
Now, after considering 359 letters
of comment over the past several
months, the International Integrated
Reporting (<IR>) Framework has been
issued right on schedule in
December. The 35 page document is
accompanied by an 11 page Basis for
Conclusions and 50 page Summary of
Significant Issues.
As stated in the Framework, “The
primary purpose of an integrated
report is to explain to providers of
financial capital how an
organization creates value over
time. An integrated report benefits
all stakeholders interested in an
organization’s ability to create
value over time, including
employees, customers, suppliers,
business partners, local
communities, legislators, regulators
and policy-makers.” Taking a global
approach, the Framework is
principles-based and flexible, in
that, depending on jurisdiction, the
prescribed information can be
presented in a standalone report, as
a “distinguishable, prominent and
accessible part of another report,”
or as called for in compliance with
local requirements.
A goal of this reporting approach is
to foster a longer term and broader
perspective, as opposed to the
shortsighted, quarterly focus on
results that currently prevails. The
portrayal of value created or
dissipated is designed to consider
financial, manufactured,
intellectual, human, social and
relationship, and natural capital.
Describing the formation of the
report, the Framework sets out
guiding principles and content
elements. The guiding principles
are: 1) Strategic focus and future
orientation, 2) Connectivity of
information, 3) Stakeholder
relationships, 4) Materiality, 5)
Conciseness, 6) Reliability and
completeness, and 7) Consistency and
The content elements that an
integrated report should have are:
- Organizational overview
and external environment: What does
the organization do and what are the
circumstances under which it
- Governance: How does the
organization’s governance structure
support its ability to create value
in the short, medium and long term?
- Business model: What is
the organization’s business model?
- Risks and opportunities:
What are the specific risks and
opportunities that affect the
organization’s ability to create
value over the short, medium and
long term, and how is the
organization dealing with them?
- Strategy and resource
allocation: Where does the
organization want to go and how does
it intend to get there?
- Performance: To what
extent has the organization achieved
its strategic objectives for the
period and what are its outcomes in
terms of effects on the capitals?
- Outlook: What challenges
and uncertainties is the
organization likely to encounter in
pursuing its strategy, and what are
the potential implications for its
business model and future
- Basis of presentation: How
does the organization determine what
matters to include in the integrated
report and how are such matters
quantified or evaluated?
A supportive Investor Network of 35
firms is providing an ongoing
critique of the IR development
process. In the 2013 Yearbook, their
recommendations for improving
disclosures included:
- Providing a clear overview of
the business model
- Addressing
industry-specific factors, including
trends, risks and opportunities,
over the long term
- Indicating timeframes for
key strategies, milestones and
targets, looking beyond the short
and medium term to longer term
- Aligning integrated
reports and other key disclosures,
including financial statements,
management discussion and analysis
or management commentary,
sustainability reports, codes of
conduct and policy statements.
Asked about the main barrier to
investors calling for integrated
reports, one of the Investor Network
representatives pointed out the need
for more consistency and assurance
with the reporting.
While the development of the Framework and related guidance have come
together relatively quickly, the
broad application will take time. As
indicated by the pilot project which
includes over 100 companies from
around the world, some have gotten
the message and are paying attention
to future trends and their impact.
However, many others are still bound
by the pressures of creating profits
on a quarterly basis. Eventually
that mentality may limit their long
term prosperity unless they find a
means of moving toward the broader
perspective called for in integrated
For further information, see
The International <IR> Framework
released with Business and Investor
Additional A&A News
The following links provide a selection of current articles
devoted to highlighting other A&A topics currently making
PCC Standards for Goodwill: What
Valuation Specialists Need to
CAQ suggests streamlining
proposed auditor reporting
FASB, IASB to Tackle Lease
Issues in January
Islamic Accounting
Needs Broader Adoption, Says
FRC to simplify small
company accounting
Compliance Mountains to