Inside Integra Newsletter October 2017 (Issue 5)

Integra World Wide Conference Tokyo, Japan - October 19, 20 & 21st
Active members get more referrals and value from their Integra membership. "Expand Your Horizons" and join Integra members at our event in Japan. We have almost 90 members registered - see the attendee list here.
Our dinner events and tours will launch you on an amazing journey through the largest metropolitan city in the world! You have an opportunity to learn, make new business connections and gain some work life balance as well. Contact Laurie Daschuk - registration closes soon. Link to agenda here.
Integra Global Board Elections and Nominations - Tokyo Conference
We have 5 Board members staying on to complete their terms: Brian Hunter, David Borg, Steve Austin, Mark Saunders and Steve William. There are 5 Board Members willing to stand for re-election of their terms: Giuseppe Scibetta, Doug White, Franz Schweiger, Don DeGrazia and Britta Kotteritzsch. At this time any Integra members in good standing are invited to put their name forward if they wish to volunteer for the Board. There will be 10 Board members in total.
Integra Committees and Special Interest Groups
Integra members have the option to become involved in one of our many Committees or Special Interest Groups. Committees will require more time and a commitment to participate. Special Interest Groups offer the information and updates - you can find these listed on Integra Interactive - our members only area of the website. Here is a list of groups you can get involved with:
• Taxation and Transfer Pricing (International Tax) - link on website
• Audit and Accounting - link on website
• Pro You and Exchange Program - link on website
• U.S. State and Local Taxation - link on website
• Real Estate - link on website
• Latin America - coming soon
• Mergers & Acquisitions - coming soon
• Marketing - coming soon
• New Services - coming soon
• Valuation, Forensics and Litigation - coming soon
12th Cross Border Tax Workshop 2017 in Malta Was A Big Success
From Susanne Martius, EMEIA Administrator
On September 16, 2017, 22 Integra members from 13 countries worldwide gathered on the sunny mediterranean island of Malta to share their knowledge about Exit Taxation. Members came from 9 different European countries but also from Canada, Hong Kong, Japan, and the USA to give their expert presentation.
The combined presentation on EXIT TAXATION is available on our Integra website or can be sent to you by email upon request.
Please contact Susanne Martius: [email protected]
A special thanks goes to our member firm in Malta, CAPSTONE GROUP, for hosting the workshop, and especially to David and Nicky and their staff Christina, Martina and Bettina for helping to organize the event and the very entertaining dinners as well as the interesting and enjoyable Saturday spouses tour.
The next Cross Border Tax Workshop will be held on September 22, 2018, in New York. For the first time the workshop will be held outside of Europe and the Cross Border Tax Committee is expecting high interest from all Integra Members worldwide.
Planning has already started and we wish to thank our Integra member firm Leaf Saltzman and Gerald Esposito for hosting this upcoming event.
Business Referrals
Member-to-member referrals are a real benefit of the Integra Association. If you would like to share any referrals or assistance from Integra members, please send an e-mail to Laurie or Susanne and we will gladly report on your behalf. It is your chance to publicly thank your colleagues.
November 13 - Lease Accounting presented by Steve Austin
All Integra members will be invited to sign up later this month.
There is no cost to register - for more information contact Laurie Daschuk.
January 2018 - Non Profit Accounting - Bill Sims
If you missed the September webinar on Exit Taxation or the May webinar on Business Valuations, find the recordings on our website here...
Integra Website
Visit our new website and find your firm's profile - make sure your information is up to date and correct. You will have received an invitation to activate your Integra Interactive profile - this enables you to access our Members Only area.
For website updates or questions contact Laurie Daschuk.
Member News
Eddy Yeung, Managing Director at CPS Hong Kong has published an article: Implementation of Automatic Exchange of Financial Account Information (AEOI) in Hong Kong
"In response to the changing international tax landscape towards greater transparency, the
Government of Hong Kong Special Administration Region (“HKSAR”) has committed to adopt and
implement the new Common Reporting Standard (“CRS”). In essence, CRS requires relevant
Financial Institutions (“FIs”) to put in place proper account due diligence and reporting procedures
to support the AEOI between the competent tax authorities of reportable jurisdictions." Read the rest of the article here...
Ayoob Rawat, with Moollan & Moollan, Chartered Certified Accountants in Mauritius has an event in Geneva, Switzerland on Oct 10&11th - Join the ICAEW member group at an evening panel discussion on Sustainable Finance.
Gabriel Gordón, with Chen, Gordón Y Asociados in Panama attended the Council of International Investigators Conference in Panama to make a presentation about Integra to their members. CII is one of our new Alliance Organizations. Gabriel was able to talk to quite a few of their members and make some connections.
Staff News
Gerry Herter has published another edition of the Accounting and Audit Alert - view it here.
Joan Lliteras recently attended the congress of French Chartered Accountants in Lille to recruit new members.
Upcoming Conference Dates
- October World Wide Conference: October 19-21 2017 - Tokyo, Japan
- May Conference: May 17-19, 2018 - San Juan, Puerto Rico
- June Conference: June 14-16, 2018 - Tel Aviv, Israel
- Cross Border Tax Workshop: September 22, 2018 - New York, USA
- October World Wide Conference: October 18-20, 2018 - Florence, Italy
